Fortunately, even if you don’t have the wherewithal to do it on your own, you can hire the experts! Let the professionals at Ivete’s Cleaning Service handle the dirty work!
We understand how hard it is to keep your home looking neat and tidy. All it takes is time and motivation. Fortunately, even if you don’t have the wherewithal to do it on your own, you can hire the experts! Let the professionals at Ivete’s Cleaning Service handle the dirty work!
Carve Out Some Time
One of the most obvious problems when it comes to keeping your space spotless is not having the time to do it. Devoting time to it after a full workweek and then taking care of your family can quickly drain whatever energy you have. Even so, you’ve got to push through it all. If you get interrupted, you are less likely to come back and finish up later. Try focusing all the cleaning in one day, or spread it out throughout the week.
Hit Every Corner
While you might think cleaning only involves decluttering, organizing, and sanitizing, that’s not always the case. Let’s suppose your belongings pile up in the corners of your living room and dining room because there is nowhere to put them. During the next deep clean you perform, be sure to hit every corner of every room. This includes the nooks and crannies you can’t always see. Grime, dust, and dirt can be hard to prize off, especially if it has hardened.
Finish the Fixtures
Another factor you need to think about is the fixtures in the rooms, too. For instance, the tub could need some more shine. If you like to re-color your hair, then you know how hard it is to clean up the residue once it has set.
Use the Right Tools
The last step is to ensure that you have everything you need to complete your deep cleaning project. Avoiding harsh-smelling chemical products is an approach that can avoid sickening you and your family. Essential oils can make a safer alternative. Still, make sure the fumes won’t harm your pets, your children, and anyone else you share your home with who could be sensitive to the smells or the ingredients that these oils contain. When it feels like you have to go to war with your own home, then water, vinegar, cloth rags, garbage bags, and versatile vacuum cleaners are going to be the best weapons in your arsenal.
Ivete’s Cleaning Service has been consistently providing the comforts that go along with a clean home and office for 27 years. Our goal is absolute satisfaction, and we strive to provide excellent service to each and every one of our customers. Our house cleaning plans are customized to your needs. We also offer expert commercial cleaning for your convenience during the busy months ahead. To schedule your cleaning consultation, or ask questions about our services, please call 301-518-7172 or request a free estimate online. Be sure to visit our Specials page for special offers on both residential and office cleaning services!