Here are some tips for clearing out the clutter this spring!
How much clutter have you accumulated? Whether you have no time to put things away in their right place, or you have messy roommates, clutter can get overwhelming. Here are some tips for getting rid of clutter in your new home this spring.
Donate Unused and Unwanted Items
Part of the reason you have so much clutter could be that you’re a compulsive shopper. If you already have too many mugs in your kitchen, that’s a place to start. Decide which ones you want to keep (Pretty ones? Cute ones?) and then ditch the boring ones. You don’t have to throw them away unless they’re already chipped or otherwise broken. Add them to a giveaway pile that you can continue to build with clothes and shoes that you don’t wear, but someone else might.
Make a Checklist
Checklists are great for meeting small tasks of productivity every day. Think about what you do at work: read that email, make the next batch of coffee, collect notes for the next presentation, and so on. So why not try it at home? Yours could be: what needs to go into the dining room, and which boxes can be put into storage once they’re emptied. Both can help keep you on track as you declutter your life.
Get a Second Opinion
Get someone else’s thoughts on the situation. You might need to show a friend photographic evidence of what you think is intolerable clutter, but looks like normal clutter to someone else. Then again, you could also use this trick to discover clutter you never thought about before, but a fresh set of eyes could. Think of it like solving a puzzle that seems impossible.
Use Your Imagination
This tip might sound a little unusual. But once you think about it, it’s simple. For instance “Do I really need this?” Sometimes you have multiples of a mundane object, like a spatula or a rubber duck for bath time, just because one keeps going missing. But if you have no need for it, then get rid of it.
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