Dusting is an important part of keeping your house clean. Check out these tips from your maid service.
Dusting isn’t the most exciting activity, but it is a necessary part of keeping your home looking and feeling clean. Gathering dust has a tendency to trigger reactions in people that already have issues with allergies, and it is no fun to have itchy eyes, runny noses, and excessive sneezing in your own home. In between visits from your maid service, you may want to keep up on dusting. Luckily, we are here to give you some expert tips!
Should I use Polish?
The truth is, polish isn’t necessary, but can be helpful. If you do decide to use polish, remember that a little goes a long way. Polish is best utilized on wooden areas of your home because it adds an unmistakable sheen, and a bit of protection. There are some surfaces that can be harmed by polish though, so opt for a damp cloth instead. Avoid using polish on painted or matte surfaces in particular, so you don’t damage the look of them.
Deep Cleaning
While your Ivete’s maid service representative will certainly keep your Montgomery County home well-dusted, you should consider giving your home a very thorough dust every 6 months or every year. This means going into the nooks and crannies of your home, and eliminating any dust build ups you encounter. Arm yourself with a toothbrush or paint brush, and a box of cotton swabs, and search out those corners that are often ignored. If you don’t want to do that work yourself, you can always call Ivete’s for detail spring cleaning.
Utilize Gravity
It may seem logical to start at the bottom and work your way up, dusting is much more efficient and more effective when you let gravity help you get the job done. Start at the top of a room with ceilings, fans, and light fixtures and work your way down. This way, you won’t have dust falling on things you have already cleaned. In order to make sure you don’t miss anything, make your way through your room in a clockwise pattern. This way you’ll have a plan, and the tools to achieve it.
Contact Ivete’s Cleaning Service for Help Today
Ivete’s Cleaning Service has been consistently providing the comforts that go along with a clean home and office in Montgomery County for 27 years. Our goal is absolute satisfaction, and we strive to provide excellent service to each and every one of our customers. Our cleaning plans are customized to your needs, and we even often specials to make the process easier on you. To schedule your cleaning consultation, or ask questions about our services, please call 301-924-3328 or request a free estimate online.