Do you know why you dye eggs for Easter? Or why you should hire Ivete’s Cleaning Service for your Easter Celebration? We do!
Every year we celebrate Easter but not all of us know why. We know the Christian story behind it but do we know why we wait for the Easter bunny or why we dye eggs? Before you call Ivete’s Cleaning Service to get your home ready for the holiday, let’s take a moment to explore some Easter traditions.
How Did We Get an Easter Bunny?
Many people claim the word “Easter” is derived from the name of the pagan goddess of spring and fertility, Eostre. According to legend, one day Eostre found a bird frozen from the cold and took pity on the creature by turning it into a fluffy rabbit so it had fur to keep itself warm. While it was a rabbit on the outside, it was after all still a bird so in the spring, it laid eggs. Some even suggest the bunny painted and decorated the eggs as a gift to Eostre to show his loyalty and appreciation.
Why Do We Dye Eggs?
Dyeing Easter eggs may actually have religious connections as well and the basis lies with Mary Magdalene, of Bible fame. Mary Magdalene was the first person to actually see Jesus after the Resurrection. Upon seeing him, she went to the Roman emperor to proclaim the Resurrection. In her hand, she held a plain while egg. When Mary Magdalene told the emperor that Jesus was alive, the emperor laughed and said that Jesus’s rising from the dead was as likely as the egg in her hand turning red. As he spoke the words, the egg changed color to prove she spoke the truth. Today eggs are dyed for the holiday to reenact this scene and remember that the holiday’s purpose.
The Feast
Having a big meal during Easter is a tradition dating back centuries. Easter marks the end of the 40 days of Lent, which is a time of fasting. After most fasting periods, it is tradition to have a festival or feast afterward to make the end of the period. Common Easter feasts include ham or lamb as well as different side dishes and lots of candy brought by the Easter bunny.
Preparing Your Home
As you dye your eggs and shop for all of your delicious Easter feast ingredients, who really has time to clean their home from top to bottom. You will have people arriving at your home in just a few short days, so what are you waiting for? Call Ivete’s Cleaning Service for a residential cleaning service and appliance cleaning. Our cleaning crew will make sure your home is spotless and ready to make your guests feel at home. Don’t cook in a dirty oven. Call Ivete’s for your house cleaning for Easter this year!
House Cleaning for Easter with Ivete’s!
Ivete’s Cleaning Service has been consistently providing the comforts that go along with a clean home and office for 27 years. Our goal is absolute satisfaction, and we strive to provide excellent service to each and every one of our customers. Our cleaning plans are customized to your needs. We also offer Spring Cleaning and Kitchen Appliance cleaning for your convenience during the busy months ahead. To schedule your cleaning consultation, or ask questions about our services, please call 301-518-7172 or request a free estimate online. Be sure to visit our Specials page for special offers on both residential and commercial cleaning services!